söndag 29 april 2007

CCCS Newsletter

Vol. 1 - April 2007-

Dear Founding Members:

This is our first Bulletin, which is meant to be a monthly review of events of our activities and what we are planning to make happen so you are kept current. In the future you will find our Bulletin in our brand new web-page:
http://www.svenskcolombianska.com/ that will be launched any moment.

The interest for our Chamber of Commerce has been overwhelming and we have been approached by several businesspeople both in Sweden and Colombia asking for help and advice. The Board is trying to speed up things so we can start to be productive and help our members,. So far, we have gotten the tax ID number (orgnummer), bank account, bankgiro and POBox, so the only logistic matter left is the web-page. As you know, we are funded solely by the membership fees, therefore paying your membership as soon as possible is vital for the operation of the Chamber.

Interested in volunteering? We are currently looking for volunteers that could help us with administrative work, such as,
coordination of seminars, social events, and other activities. We think good

candidates could be persons with a good acknowledge how things in Sweden and Colombia works and preferably speaks both languages plus English.
Contact Paola Apolinar at 08-510-61599 or paola.apolinar@svenskcolombianska.com for more information. Until now all the work with the Chamber has been done by the Board Members in their leisure time, but we need people that can devote more time to it. Additional to this, Ambassador Alzate has been kind enough to let us use the Embassy’s premises but I think is about time to rent an office so we can function independently. In this regard, I will appreciate any information of any office in between 50 to 80 m2 at a reasonable price.

On recent events, I can mention that very important was the Conference for Biofuels of the Americas held in Cartagena this past month. It was attended by various companies from North and South America, and among others, the main sponsors of the event where the Swedish company Chematur Engineering AB, Petrobras, and Ageratec AB. More details can be supplied by our Board Member, Jan Öhrvall at jan.ohrvall@svenskcolombianska.com.

On coming events, the 17th Session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization will be in Cartagena on November. This and other events will also be published soon in our website.

I invite you to let us know your thoughts. Remember that as Founding Member you are an important part of the Chamber.

Best regards,

Alfred Svenson.

2 kommentarer:

JackSummers sa...

Any country of the world beneficial to do business with rich countries. Why? Because they have money and people have a purchasing power higher than the average person. Therefore Colombia let find now the strength and go to the cooperation with world countries, who can be a great partner. And there are conflict situations as these https://quivo.co/15881-sabes-que-papel-tendra-la-comunidad-lgbti-en-el-posconflicto-mira-las-propuestas.html must to be stopped! What do you say?

g sa...

Friends , come to pass : "Nuevo Récord Mundial: 11 días de vuelta al mundo en globo". Read this interesting novsti for our country here https://quivo.co/16943-nuevo-record-mundial-vuelta-al-mundo-en-11-dias-en-globo-aerostatico.html