söndag 29 april 2007

Tourism in Colombia

Here you can find more information about positve things happening in Colombia, as well as oportunities to invest and travel. http://www.proexport.com.co/vbecontent/NewsDetail.asp?ID=5825&IDCompany=20

3 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...


Unknown sa...

but what about people? You haven't told us about columbians, and i want to say that if not people, i would definetelly visit this country in weekends. Columbians are not silly or cruel, but they are a bit uneducated for european visiters. You want to point that i am mistakeing, than check this: https://quivo.co/20195-campesinos-masacrados-con-golpes-y-alambre-de-puas.html .

Unknown sa...

Tourism in Colombia is very developed. This country is worth a visit as there are lots of beautiful places. And here you can get acquainted with beautiful twins https://quivo.co/23004-conoce-los-cachorros-gemelos-mas-adorables-del-mundo.html